OK, so this will be quick, but I was perusing through some old magalogs and articles I printed out to determine which ones I need to purge, and which to keep because one or more of the articles 'speaks' to me. The unfortunate (or fortunate?) thing is if I kept it in my file/pile, it already 'spoke' to me and thus I was loathe to part with it.
Anyway, after Mass tonight (Happy and Blessed Holy Week and Easter, by the way!) I was reading through an old issue of Magnum Opus (November 2008 issue, the article was "How to Think") and came accross a gem of a quote that hit me square in the face..... "Great teaching isn't based on knowing how to ask good questions, but rather in training students to ask themselves good questions."
I LOVE this quote. I hope to chew on it frequently.... As frequently as I may lose sight of the truth it offers. My children are 10, 7, 2 and almost 1. I do NOT want to raise lemmings. One of my foremost goals in the education of my children is to arm them with the tools necessary to know HOW to think and to learn. To that end... I am following the classical model of education and doing my best to instill a love of learning... And praying - A LOT!
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