"I used to be angry with people who had no Faith, then I realized that Faith is a gift from God."
I go through things sometimes with people I care about.... People I grew up with... People who were, like me, born and raised Catholic all their formative years. I sometimes get angry with them for not believing as I feel they should.... People who decide to leave the Church because the Church won't cave on this ideal or that teaching, and then say that it's the Church that hurt them. It is easy to stand up and say you believe when everything is in order and things are easy. It is precisely when things become difficult and we are feeling a challenge to our own behaviors and ideals that following the things we are taught proves our Faith. This being said, Faith is a gift from God. I have no right to get angry at others. I have plenty of skeletons (sins) in my own closet. What makes me so much better? From this moment on, I will NOT get mad at those with little or no Faith.... I will pray for them and pity them, and love them, even when they challenge me and call me things like "Jesus Freak" and "too Catholic"....
"Every journey, no matter how long, begins with the first step."
I have been out of shape for some time, spiritually as well as physically. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with what I need to do to get back on track fully. I know that an AA saying is "one day at a time", well, I think one step at a time is even better. With my prayer life, as well as my dietary/exercize habits, instead of thinking "I blew it today", I just need to focus on one step at a time.... So what steps do I need to take here? I have a few in mind... Step one (for the body)- exercize every day, even if it is just for a bit.... and bed at 10pm (obviously not tonight...) Step one (for the soul)- Make sure to have some quiet prayer time. Start with 10 minutes a day.....
Eternal Father, I humbly adore Thee, and thank Thee for having created me,
and for having redeemed me through Jesus Christ.
I thank Thee most sincerely for having made me a Christian, by giving me the true faith,
and by adopting me as Thy daughter, in the sacrament of baptism.
I thank Thee for having, after the numberless sins I had committed, waited for my repentance, and for having pardoned (as I humbly hope) all the offences which I have offered to Thee, and for which I am now sincerely sorry, because they have been displeasing to Thee, who art infinite goodness.
I thank Thee for having preserved me from so many relapses, of which I would have been guilty if Thou hadst not protected me. But my enemies still continue, and will continue till death, to combat against me,
and to endeavor to make me their slave. If Thou dost not constantly guard and succor me with thy aid,
I, a miserable creature, shall return to sin, and shall certainly lose Thy grace. I beseech Thee, then,
for the love of Jesus Christ, to grant me holy perseverance unto death.
Jesus, Thy Son, has promised that Thou wilt grant whatsoever we ask in his name.
Through the merits, then, of Jesus Christ, I beg, for myself and for all the just,
the grace never again to be separated from Thy love, but to love Thee forever,
in time and eternity. Mary, Mother of God, pray to Jesus for me. Amen
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