Wednesday, December 21, 2016

An Advent Meditation

She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn."
Luke 2:7

A manger was a trough that was used to hold the food for animals to eat….

Many people make the correlation that the Bread of Life had, as His first resting place, something that was used to hold food.....  I had another thought, and it has really struck me these last few days…..

In order for the manger to be a decent resting place, it could not be full.  It had to have some room in it, else the tiny baby would have rolled right off and fallen to the cold hard ground.... The animals HAD to eat of the food in the manger before the babe was lain in it, thus giving Him room…

I want my heart and soul to be a resting place for Christ, empty enough to receive Him, Who is Bread of Life, and Lord of All.
This Advent has not been easy.  Some real opportunities to offer things up - and some real struggles...    I felt, at times, like my soul was being devoured and I was being torn apart or eaten alive....  

There I was in Church.  Tearfully begging God to let me have peace and take my sin and my pride and my anger and there it was.....  "I AM"  And it hit me - like a ten ton dump truck of bricks (because I am just that obtuse)  The animals were eating the food that was fit for them in my internal manger to give me a resting place for Christ, Who is the only food I want.....  

At that moment, I had Peace.  The struggles and temptations haven't stopped.  In fact, the doctor called me last Sunday (you read that right, Sunday.  The doctor called me on a Sunday to discuss my blood work....) with "news" but I am at peace with whatever now….

As the animals seen and unseen clear my manger for Christ, I will take whatever Our Lord gives, and I will give whatever He takes with peace and joy in my heart…

So, I ask, what are the things in your manger that need to be cleared out and “eaten” to make room for The Bread of Life?

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