I think I may have found one that will work - at least until we move in 5 weeks.....
I am going to write, on color coded index cards, the daily chores each child needs to accomplish. Each child will have their own color, so they will know whether or not their chores have been done. The daily chores will also have a time written on them....
In the morning, immediately upon waking (7am), the following chores/cards will be taken care of:
make bed
unload dishwasher (this one is child-specific)
make/eat breakfast
take your vitamin
clear breakfast dishes and wipe the table where you ate - and the chair if necessary
get dressed
brush teeth (and make sure you clean the sink when you are done)
quick clutter check of your designated room (aka 5 minute power clean)
TP check (child specific - duty is to make sure each bathroom has either a mostly full roll on the holder or a back-up roll on the back of the toilet)
start a load of laundry (again, child specific)
Sounds like a lot, but can easily be done in a hour.... (Seems like that should say "an hour". Any English majors out there can comment :)
8-11:50 morning session of school (for mom. 11:50 mom makes lunch, kids finish up schoolwork until 12)
(10am - mom, put laundry into dryer, start second load if necessary)
Noon - 1:30 the following will be done:
pray the Angelus, examine conscience
2nd load of laundry into dryer, first load folded after eating (no more than 10 minutes to fold/put away)
set table for lunch, get drinks, utensils, etc.
eat lunch
clear lunch dishes, rinsing them and putting them into the dishwasher
run the dishwasher
wipe table (and chairs if needed)
sweep floors in kitchen and dining room
wipr counter-tops, stove and microwave
30 minutes of exercize
clutter-check / 5 minute power clean
1:30-3:30 (4:00 for students in grades 8+) school session #3
3:30 - 5 is free time for any child who has completed all of their school work AND house work, has put away their school books and had their work confirmed and has a clean bedroom
at 5:00 the following is done:
empty dishwasher
set table for dinner - get drinks, napkins, utensils and condiments
eat dinner
clear table
rinse dishes and put into dishwasher
hand wash any hand washables
wipe stove/counter-tops/microwave
wipe clean table and chairs
dishcloths to hamper
fold/hang last load of laundry
family walk
family reading
brush teeth
pajamas on
lay out tomorrow's clothes
10 minute clutter burn
take out trash: get trash from each room and put into trash container outside, then take outside container to curb
bring trash container back to garage
bed linens
vacuum (more than once a week if necessary)
change out air filter
dust windowsils and check windows to see if they need to be cleaned
wipe down around the handles of high traffic doors and railings
flip mattresses
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