25 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat (or drink), or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? 27 Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span? 28 Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wild flowers grow. They do not work or spin. 29 But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. 30 If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith? 31 So do not worry and say, 'What are we to eat?' or 'What are we to drink?' or 'What are we to wear?' 32 All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first the kingdom (of God) and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. 34 Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.
I have not blogged in quite some time. Partially because my pc time has been spent with my weight loss blog... An endeavor that has ended up taking up more time than I had originally planned to give to it. More time, but it is helping me to SLOWLY take off the weight I have been carrying around on and off since the birth of my first child AND helping me to develop healthy habits I plan to keep for a lifetime.
We received some news yesterday. Rather distressing news. My husband, who was laid off from his consulting position 15 months ago, was not selected for a position at a company he had been in the courting process for 6 weeks with. This was the closest he had come in the 15 months, and it was extremely disheartening to hear that once again, there is no job.....
I have another friend in the same boat. Her husband was laid off after my husband, but he was able to find a contract position to keep their family going. They were just informed that the contract position was going to be eliminated due to downsizing. And my brother in law is stressing about the future of his construction company... (Feel free to insert snarky comment here about our "recovering" economy...)
I have had a few friends ask me how we are managing. The only reply is Faith, Hope and Trust in God! I know He has a plan, and I know that there must be some reason we are going through this time of trial and suffering. I cling to 4 things right now. 1. The Scripture verse above. 2. Eucharistic Adoration 3. Confession, and 4. Our Lady Help of Christians through the Rosary and Memorare....
1. Matthew 6:25-34
I do not think this verse needs any explanation. This is the main thing that sustains me. Every day, I think of this and I know Our Father will take care of us and our suffering will end....
2. Eucharistic Adoration
What better way to pray (and beg?) for our needs than to go and visit Our Lord truly present, body, blood, soul and divinity in the Most Blessed Sacrament? We are not fortunate enough to have a church here with Perpetual Adoration, but every time we make a little trip into The Cities, we stop at St Michael's Parish in Stillwater and visit Our Lord. This has been a MAJOR source of comfort and strength for both my husband and myself....
3. Confession
There is a propensity toward despair when you have 4 children to feed and clothe and educate and raise and student loans and other bills and no money coming in to take care of those things. Despair is a sin, it betrays a lack of Faith. There is also a tendency to be a little more rash and impatient and argumentative when you are under great stress. These things do not bring us closer to God, they take us from Him. I have been going to Confession as often as I can and feel as though I need to. Lately, that has been once a week. Without the Grace from this wonderful Sacrament of Mercy, I do not know how I would get through......
4. Our Lady, Help of Christians
For information on this title of Our Blessed Virgin and and Mother Full of Grace, see here. I have been asking her intercession for all of our needs through the Rosary and also the Memorare. Both are most beautiful prayers. Our Lady raised Our Lord. She saw to His needs as a child. She understands a mother's suffering, as well as a woman's love and honor of her husband. What better person to look to for example of living a life that is holy and pleasing to God? And, as she is the mother of Our Lord, what better person to ask for help? Since Our Lord loves and respects His mother, He will grant whatever she asks if it is in concordance with the Father's will.... Thus, we keep "flying" to her, seeking her help and imploring her intercession.....
I look forward to the day when I can report that God has answered our prayers with a "Yes", instead of a "Not Now." regarding my husband's employment. In the meantime, I count my blessings, am thankful for the blessings I have, and pray!
2. Eucharistic Adoration
What better way to pray (and beg?) for our needs than to go and visit Our Lord truly present, body, blood, soul and divinity in the Most Blessed Sacrament? We are not fortunate enough to have a church here with Perpetual Adoration, but every time we make a little trip into The Cities, we stop at St Michael's Parish in Stillwater and visit Our Lord. This has been a MAJOR source of comfort and strength for both my husband and myself....
3. Confession
There is a propensity toward despair when you have 4 children to feed and clothe and educate and raise and student loans and other bills and no money coming in to take care of those things. Despair is a sin, it betrays a lack of Faith. There is also a tendency to be a little more rash and impatient and argumentative when you are under great stress. These things do not bring us closer to God, they take us from Him. I have been going to Confession as often as I can and feel as though I need to. Lately, that has been once a week. Without the Grace from this wonderful Sacrament of Mercy, I do not know how I would get through......
4. Our Lady, Help of Christians
For information on this title of Our Blessed Virgin and and Mother Full of Grace, see here. I have been asking her intercession for all of our needs through the Rosary and also the Memorare. Both are most beautiful prayers. Our Lady raised Our Lord. She saw to His needs as a child. She understands a mother's suffering, as well as a woman's love and honor of her husband. What better person to look to for example of living a life that is holy and pleasing to God? And, as she is the mother of Our Lord, what better person to ask for help? Since Our Lord loves and respects His mother, He will grant whatever she asks if it is in concordance with the Father's will.... Thus, we keep "flying" to her, seeking her help and imploring her intercession.....
I look forward to the day when I can report that God has answered our prayers with a "Yes", instead of a "Not Now." regarding my husband's employment. In the meantime, I count my blessings, am thankful for the blessings I have, and pray!
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