Today was a good day. Mostly. Taz and Peanut were typical little boys. They played hard AND fought hard.
My Love was late getting home. He had a late meeting, then traffic was a bear. While we were waiting, Princess asked me if she could read me a poem. I said sure, figuring that since we have not "formally" taught poetry - we have read much poetry, but not actually 'taught' it - it would be a cute little thing, but not necessarily great. I was wrong. I loved it. Judge if you like, read if you will:
What wet mist across my solemn face?
What breeds amongst thy quiet halls?
A new Black terror in a deep dark place
A spell sent upon a light that falls
But then arise all you worried in heart
for the light that is fading has the battle won
A Gloried God will make the darkness depart
Depart Darkness! We have won
Thanks to the Father, thanks to the Son
So, after I read it, I asked her what is was about. (you know, to get the author's perspective...) She said it was her thoughts about our world turning away from God and how He will come back into it. She has an incredible heart. Seriously, an 11 year old writing a poem about the world becoming dark without God and God expelling the darkness....
Listening to her reading that poem was truly a joyful moment. OK, I am done. What can I say, I am a proud mother.
That goes to show that if you expose them to enough great poetry, they are learning.
Now, for the moment of frustration (at least today's top moment):
Taz was running around and decided to shout 'fa'. (I think it was his war cry -today was a very heavy Star Wars meets Lord of the Rings lightsaber/sword/archery battle day) Possibly he chose 'fa' because lately everyone in the family has been singing (almost all of the) songs from The Sound of Music - the Do-Re-Mi Song and So Long, Farewell being the most frequent. Anyway, Taz shouts 'fa', and Buddy about has a fit because he thinks Taz uttered a very different (4 letter) f word. Taz hears Buddy telling on him and me explaining that no, it was 'fa' and decided that the attention is so great he begins running about the house shouting his new war cry at with renewed vigor. "No running in the house!" "Fa" - only now it sounds a little suspiciously like 'fu' - I say it twice, while he is yelling too loud to hear me, and then the chase begins. I corral him and get him to listen and then Peanut thinks this is all quite the funniest thing he has EVER seen and begins saying 'fu' too...... One thing I can say is that my boys were full of life today.
Thanks be to God for thoughtful girls and animated boys!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Curriculum 2011-2012
Princess is going into 6th grade and Buddy is going into 2nd. Taz and Peanut are only 2 and 3, and I am hoping that coloring books will suffice for the year. I know Taz wants so badly to do school , but I am tihnking I might be able to improve some behavior by telling him that he has to behave like a big boy (and that includes using the potty) before he gets big kid school. If he really gets antsy, my plan is to read Just So Stories and jungle Book and have him color pictures from the stories, and have him do some basic counting teddy bears activities and sit with the bigs during Latin and phonogram recitation.... My #1 wish for school right now - an iPad. there are some awesome apps for little ones' to work on gross and fine motor skills while tracing cursive letters with their fingers.
Evan Moor's North America and South America
workbooks. As well as looking at the globe and finding Greece and Rome and discussing places mentioned in our history reading....
St Joseph's Baltimore Catechism , Faith and Life Series and Memoria Press' Christian Studies Book 1
Nature Study
I have a few books with ideas. The main idea here is to get them to NOTICE nature. We are going to be going out a lot to parks and I am going to give them each their own sketch book. I am also going to be using the book "
Hands-On Nature: Information and Activities for Exploring the Environment With Children
and "I Love Dirt!"
I am looking forward to a messy year :)
Ancient Greece for the first half of the year and Ancient Rome for the second half. My plan is to join a Junior Classical League Chapter next year - or start one for local homeschoolers as a "Latin Club". But, I am getting ahead of myself.
The books I plan to use for history are:
The Children's Homer: The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy
Aesops Fables (not history per se, but we will read a Fable every day, and Aesop was Greek...)
Children's Plutarch
The Story of the Greeks
The Greenleaf Guide to Famous Men of Greece
and the Famous Men of Greece by John Haaren (this will be our primary history text for the first half of the year)
Black Ships Before Troy: The Story of 'The Iliad'
(optional choice for independent reading)
The Wanderings of Odysseus
The Golden Fleece
Herodotus and the Road to History
(optional choice for independent reading)Archimedes and the Door of Science
(optional choice for independent reading)D'Aulaire's Greek Myths
(again, not exactly history, but we will read this each dya and draw a family tree of the Greek gods and goddesses)
The Tale of Troy
The Tales of the Greek Heroes
Classic Myths to Read Aloud
Galen and the Gateway to Medicine
(optional choice for independent reading)Famous Men of Rome
(this will be our primary history text for the second half of the year)
In Search of A Homeland
Orchard Book of Roman Myths

The Aeneid: A RetellingFor Young People
(optional choice for independent reading)Classical Kids
(because there should be some sort of fun activities, and I am not very good at thinking of them myself...)
Art and Music will be taken online through LPH Resource Center. In fact, we are taking Logic and Church Latin through them as well. We are also doing Latina Christiana Book 1 and I am hoping to pick up Lingua Latina
as well. I will also be using "How To introduce Your child to Classical Music in 52 Easy Lessons" at the rate of one lesson per week for the next year.
We are using Singapore Math, Standards Edition for math at their grade levels
Spell to Write and Read and The WISE Guide to Spelling
I am hosting Socratic Seminars (aka Book discussion groups) for the kids. A boys group to discuss Thornton Burgess's Animal Stories and a girls group to discuss the Anne of Green Gables Series. Princess will be in 2 groups discussing the same series this year... A little social, that one....
I am planning on using Classical Writing: Aesop and Homer for Older Beginners for Princess and Primer:Autumn for Buddy.
A schedule that I can stick to is the next hurdle I need to jump - and soon. School beings in less than 2 weeks..... And my plan (do I hear laughing?) is to school year round with 1-2 week breaks as needed for holidays and vacations. If learning is fun and interesting, why should it stop in the summer? My over-arching educational goal is to inculcate a love of learning in my children and motivate them to be lifelong students, not people who turn off their brins because "It's Summer." or "I'm not in school." Prayers for success in this endeavor would be greatly appreciated.
Proverbs 6:20-21:
20 My son, observe the commandment of your father
and do not forsake the teaching of your mother;
21 Bind them continually on your heart;
Tie them around your neck.
Dearest Father in Heaven, please let me teach as you would have me teach, and be an example of your wisdom and love and light for my children.
Evan Moor's North America and South America
St Joseph's Baltimore Catechism , Faith and Life Series and Memoria Press' Christian Studies Book 1
Nature Study
I have a few books with ideas. The main idea here is to get them to NOTICE nature. We are going to be going out a lot to parks and I am going to give them each their own sketch book. I am also going to be using the book "
Ancient Greece for the first half of the year and Ancient Rome for the second half. My plan is to join a Junior Classical League Chapter next year - or start one for local homeschoolers as a "Latin Club". But, I am getting ahead of myself.
The books I plan to use for history are:
The Children's Homer: The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy
Aesops Fables (not history per se, but we will read a Fable every day, and Aesop was Greek...)
Children's Plutarch
The Story of the Greeks
The Greenleaf Guide to Famous Men of Greece
Black Ships Before Troy: The Story of 'The Iliad'
The Wanderings of Odysseus
The Golden Fleece
Herodotus and the Road to History
The Tale of Troy
The Tales of the Greek Heroes
Classic Myths to Read Aloud
Galen and the Gateway to Medicine
In Search of A Homeland
Orchard Book of Roman Myths
The Aeneid: A RetellingFor Young People
Art and Music will be taken online through LPH Resource Center. In fact, we are taking Logic and Church Latin through them as well. We are also doing Latina Christiana Book 1 and I am hoping to pick up Lingua Latina
We are using Singapore Math, Standards Edition for math at their grade levels
Spell to Write and Read and The WISE Guide to Spelling
I am hosting Socratic Seminars (aka Book discussion groups) for the kids. A boys group to discuss Thornton Burgess's Animal Stories and a girls group to discuss the Anne of Green Gables Series. Princess will be in 2 groups discussing the same series this year... A little social, that one....
I am planning on using Classical Writing: Aesop and Homer for Older Beginners for Princess and Primer:Autumn for Buddy.
A schedule that I can stick to is the next hurdle I need to jump - and soon. School beings in less than 2 weeks..... And my plan (do I hear laughing?) is to school year round with 1-2 week breaks as needed for holidays and vacations. If learning is fun and interesting, why should it stop in the summer? My over-arching educational goal is to inculcate a love of learning in my children and motivate them to be lifelong students, not people who turn off their brins because "It's Summer." or "I'm not in school." Prayers for success in this endeavor would be greatly appreciated.
Proverbs 6:20-21:
20 My son, observe the commandment of your father
and do not forsake the teaching of your mother;
21 Bind them continually on your heart;
Tie them around your neck.
Dearest Father in Heaven, please let me teach as you would have me teach, and be an example of your wisdom and love and light for my children.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Sibling Rivalry
I just read a GREAT blog post about sibling fighting. Anne does a fantastic job of giving Biblical background for the principles we live. I am, unfortunately, not as well versed in my - um - verse.
The unfortunate fact is that sibling fighting DOES happen, that is certain, and when I need to get involved, I do my best to encourage them to look at the situation from the other's perspective and really try to imagine how the other feels. It has helped them to be empathetic to not only each-others' feelings, but also those of their friends. I think that may be one of the reasons why our daughter got involved in anti-genocide activism when she was 8 years old.
For my kids, arguing seems to stem from an inability to see things from another's point of view. When they forget that there are many ways of viewing the same thing, I take them to a room in the house and tell them to look, REALLY look, at the room. Then I take them out of the room and have them each describe, in front of the other, 'exactly' what the room looked like to them. After they are done, I remind them that it was the same room they were both looking at, yet they saw it differently. It seems to help......
I was on a two week road trip with my father and my 12 year old twin nephews and my children as we moved from Minnesota to Virginia. By the third full day of driving, the kids were all at each-other's throats and on my nerves (what can I say? I am human, too.) I do not tolerate my children treating each other badly. I think that is one of the worst offenses in our home (that and lying). I am really curious to know if there are any studies done on sibling relationships within homeschooling families versus public schooled kids. My father had said on our trip that "siblings treat each other the worst." Is that really the norm? Is that really the way God intended? I really doubt it.
I heard somewhere that Third World Countries - where the kids spend much time together and in the family - have less sibling rivalry and virtually no "teenage rebellion". Is that because they are less educated or perhaps because they do not have all the things that distract us from the Truth?
Points for consideration:
1 Jn 4:16 - ...God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him.
1 Jn 4:19 - We love because he first loved us.
1 Jn 4:20-21 - If anyone says, "I love God," but hates his brother, he is a liar; for whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. This is the commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.
The unfortunate fact is that sibling fighting DOES happen, that is certain, and when I need to get involved, I do my best to encourage them to look at the situation from the other's perspective and really try to imagine how the other feels. It has helped them to be empathetic to not only each-others' feelings, but also those of their friends. I think that may be one of the reasons why our daughter got involved in anti-genocide activism when she was 8 years old.
For my kids, arguing seems to stem from an inability to see things from another's point of view. When they forget that there are many ways of viewing the same thing, I take them to a room in the house and tell them to look, REALLY look, at the room. Then I take them out of the room and have them each describe, in front of the other, 'exactly' what the room looked like to them. After they are done, I remind them that it was the same room they were both looking at, yet they saw it differently. It seems to help......
I was on a two week road trip with my father and my 12 year old twin nephews and my children as we moved from Minnesota to Virginia. By the third full day of driving, the kids were all at each-other's throats and on my nerves (what can I say? I am human, too.) I do not tolerate my children treating each other badly. I think that is one of the worst offenses in our home (that and lying). I am really curious to know if there are any studies done on sibling relationships within homeschooling families versus public schooled kids. My father had said on our trip that "siblings treat each other the worst." Is that really the norm? Is that really the way God intended? I really doubt it.
I heard somewhere that Third World Countries - where the kids spend much time together and in the family - have less sibling rivalry and virtually no "teenage rebellion". Is that because they are less educated or perhaps because they do not have all the things that distract us from the Truth?
Points for consideration:
1 Jn 4:16 - ...God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him.
1 Jn 4:19 - We love because he first loved us.
1 Jn 4:20-21 - If anyone says, "I love God," but hates his brother, he is a liar; for whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. This is the commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.
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